Sunday, 4 August 2013

The One With "Yo"le

Last Brick of our Techno wall. The co-West Regional head is the one who keeps inspiring the entire team to maintain the level of perfection and the lines that best describe him can be: "Bando mein banda, perfect bemisal sa....Kukkad kamaal da...." 

Always accomplishing the task with the best possible level of perfection, his name is mostly written in an imperfect fashion, as DurWank (while actual being DurVank)!

P.S. : Though you might have read the word 'perfect' many times in the post, but we can't help it... he is perfection personified (:P).

1 comment:

  1. Roll no. - 11068802. The result says - it does not exist in the data base!! Pleas help!!!
