Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Junior: Chess Quizzer

Chess Quizzer

Question 1.
The picture demonstrates a 3x3 box with 4 knights denoted by the letters. W stands for a white knight and B for a black one. As in a standard game of chess, the knight can move only two steps in the horizontal or vertical direction and then one step in the other direction for one move. The objective of the game is to interchange the position of both the black and white knights. What is the minimum number of moves required to complete the game? 

(A) 8 
(B) 12 
(C) 16 
(D) 18

Question 2.
You have one knight, one king, one queen, one rook and one pawn each of the same colour. Arrange all fi ve of these pieces on the chessboard shown such that the following conditions are satis ed: 

(i) The no. of pieces attacking a square(with a number on it) should be equal to the number written on      it. 
(ii) There should not be any piece on a square which has a number written on it. 

[Note: A king can  only attack its adjacent squares, a pawn attacks its diagonally adjacent squares, a rook on its horizontal and vertical lines, a queen on its horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines and a knight as explained in question 1. Lastly, rook and queen cannot attack a square if there is a some other piece in the path of attack.]      

What should be the position of the Queen? 

(A) B1 
(B) B2 
(C) A1 
(D) A2 

Question 3.
What is the minimum number of moves required to move from the situation in the left to that in the right if the valid moves for bishop, rook, knight, king and pawn are shown below?

(A) 9
(B) 18 
(C) 16 
(D) 8

Go ahead, comment your solutions.